Creationism Disproved?
"What this shows is a complex structure like the eye can develop through many small steps from something simpler. And this is how Darwinian Evolution works."
-- From the YouTube video, entitled: Creationism Disproved?
So if you look at the evidence, it is clear that complex structures start as simple structures and then develop into a complex structure. Therefore, all living creatures clearly started as simple structures and evolved into complex structures over millions of years. Now, in the present, through the reproductive process, simple structures develop into complex structures very quickly. For example - a human baby goes from a simple structure to a complex structure in about 9 months, as opposed to 9 million years.
Through science, we are able to observe the reproductive process. But, through our observations, we cannot conclude that this process has been around since the beginning. That would be ignorant. The only obvious conclusion is that there was an unknown process by which the complex structure came to be. This process was similar to the reproductive process, in that a simple structure formed into a complex structure, but it was still a different process. We have never observed this process, or tested it, but it is still the only answer that can be given from our observations.
Many Christians don't observe this process of a simple structure developing into a complex structure, because they are not scientists. But, if they did, they would try to conclude that the process they observed is the process by which all mankind formed, except the first man and woman. This is nonsense! First of all, there was clearly another process, although we aren't able to observe it, therefore not able to test it, therefore not able to prove it. Second of all, there is no proof that man was created by God. Don't you see?!? When a baby is formed, it starts off as a simple structure and through several small steps, develops into a complex structure! Isn't it obvious to you that based on this observation, we can clearly conclude that humans were developed through an unknown first process, which took millions of years?!?
COME ON! Don't be naive! The Christians are FOOLS! Listen to us! Listen to the scientists! WE HAVE OBSERVED THE PROCESS BY WHICH SIMPLE STRUCTURES TURN INTO COMPLEX STRUCTURES THROUGH SMALL STEPS!!! We KNOW that there is an unknown process by which humans formed from simple structures. The Christians don’t know ANYTHING! All they do is look at the natural world and conclude that it was created that way.
What you just read, was a dramatization written by me.
1 Corinthians 3:18-20 (NIV)
18 Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness"; 20 and again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile."
-- From the YouTube video, entitled: Creationism Disproved?
So if you look at the evidence, it is clear that complex structures start as simple structures and then develop into a complex structure. Therefore, all living creatures clearly started as simple structures and evolved into complex structures over millions of years. Now, in the present, through the reproductive process, simple structures develop into complex structures very quickly. For example - a human baby goes from a simple structure to a complex structure in about 9 months, as opposed to 9 million years.
Through science, we are able to observe the reproductive process. But, through our observations, we cannot conclude that this process has been around since the beginning. That would be ignorant. The only obvious conclusion is that there was an unknown process by which the complex structure came to be. This process was similar to the reproductive process, in that a simple structure formed into a complex structure, but it was still a different process. We have never observed this process, or tested it, but it is still the only answer that can be given from our observations.
Many Christians don't observe this process of a simple structure developing into a complex structure, because they are not scientists. But, if they did, they would try to conclude that the process they observed is the process by which all mankind formed, except the first man and woman. This is nonsense! First of all, there was clearly another process, although we aren't able to observe it, therefore not able to test it, therefore not able to prove it. Second of all, there is no proof that man was created by God. Don't you see?!? When a baby is formed, it starts off as a simple structure and through several small steps, develops into a complex structure! Isn't it obvious to you that based on this observation, we can clearly conclude that humans were developed through an unknown first process, which took millions of years?!?
COME ON! Don't be naive! The Christians are FOOLS! Listen to us! Listen to the scientists! WE HAVE OBSERVED THE PROCESS BY WHICH SIMPLE STRUCTURES TURN INTO COMPLEX STRUCTURES THROUGH SMALL STEPS!!! We KNOW that there is an unknown process by which humans formed from simple structures. The Christians don’t know ANYTHING! All they do is look at the natural world and conclude that it was created that way.
What you just read, was a dramatization written by me.
1 Corinthians 3:18-20 (NIV)
18 Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness"; 20 and again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile."